Before picture of this bare deck. A deck awning was sorely needed here.
With nothing protecting it, this deck was left very exposed to the blistering summer sun. Even though the deck is set right on water and in a very windy area, we were confident in the strength and durability of our patio and deck awning.

The same deck, now with a canopy to protect it.

Another angle of this waterfront deck and the awning that covers it.
Not just any awning could withstand the wind loads that commonly occur in a waterfront setting. After building awnings on the coast for over 25 years we have solved this problem. If you need an awning like this one, or any awning at all, we are sure to have something that will fit your needs. Whether you know exactly what you want, or you need a hand figuring it out, American Awning is here to help. Give us a call for a free estimate and site visit today for your custom awning solution. 508-995-6333