These windows of the restaurant looked unfinished before new canvas window awnings were installed.
Every business needs a little something to its look to make them stand out. For this restaurant in downtown New Bedford, a pop of green and some depth was just the thing to add to the windows. In addition to making the building stand out more to people walking by, the awnings provide some nice shade for those sitting at a window seat. Awnings let in just the right amount of natural light for a comfortable atmosphere to dine in.

A view before the awnings went up.

And After

Street view of the awnings, you can see how bright this side of the building gets in the middle of the day.
If you need an awning like this one, or any awning at all, we are sure to have something that will fit your needs. Whether you know exactly what you want, or you need a hand figuring it out, American Awning is here to help. Give us a call for a free estimate and site visit today for your custom awning solution. 508-995-6333