A Testament To The Strength Of Our Custom Aluminum Awnings

Even 2 feet of wet snow can't take our aluminum awning down.

Even 2 feet of wet snow can’t take our aluminum awning down.

Even with the record snowfalls wreaking havoc across Southeastern Massachusetts, our aluminum awnings have passed the test.  The overwhelming majority have stood strong against the unprecedented deluge of snow, sleet, and wind thrown at our area this year.

Our aluminum awnings have protected entrances to homes for over 25 years, with most of the originals still standing.  This is a testament to our strong aluminum extruded connections, and an experienced, professional installation.  If making your winter less of a hassle sounds like something you might be interested in, give us a call today for a free estimate.  508-995-6333

The look of an entranceway before the installation of an aluminum awning.

The look of an entranceway before the installation of an aluminum awning.


After installation this stoop won’t need much shoveling even after record snowfalls. It can support the massive weight of all the snow because it was manufactured and installed the right way.