With Summer winding down, we have many pictures to share of a lot of great projects we were fortunate enough to work on during the hottest months of the year. Some of these projects are meant to cool down a room, some to protect a doorstep from weather, and others to add a custom look to a business. Awnings are very much a versatile item that can offer solutions to many different issues at the same time

Great storefront awnings for Kids Echo, a consignment shop in Lakeville, Massachusetts.
A storefront awning can do a lot to add a custom touch for businesses. It can keep the inside cool and comfortable for customers while at the same time calling attention to the store itself.

This house in Fairhaven, MA will reap the benefits of both and aluminum door canopy as well as canvas window awnings.
This aluminum awning will keep snow and sleet off the entranceway as well as shade the foyer from the temperature elevating rays of the sun. Window awnings can add a visually appealing look to a house, as well as lowering indoor temperatures by up to 15 degrees!

Aluminum awning, with trim, for a rental property in New Bedford, MA.
We offer a bunch of different trim colors to accent just about any home or building. This black and white option goes perfectly with the shutters on this New Bedford, Massachusetts rental property. An aluminum awning is a great way to prevent ice build-up on any entranceway, which is great when dealing with a tenant occupied property.
As always, estimates are free. So give us a call and we can figure out a custom solution for you!