Custom Awning Projects in Wareham, Fairhaven, and New Bedford, Massachusetts

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This customer in Wareham, MA wanted to add a finishing touch to the facelift on the front of their house.  They chose to add a fresh pop of color with some custom canvas window awnings.  Along with the new fresh look, they will now enjoy cooler indoor temperatures and lower air conditioning costs from the shade these window awnings provide.


These homeowners in Fairhaven, MA couldn’t find an aluminum door hood that would fit the unique structure over their door.  They needed protection their from all the different weather New England routinely threw at them.  They gave us a call, and a few days later had a custom made solution that will outlast the door that it protects.  If we could find a solution for them, we can find a solution for anyone.

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It looks good and protects your whole family from the weather upon entry/exit from your home.  Our custom aluminum awnings are even strong enough to hold up a 30 pound flower pot!